Just Living -- 101 in 1001

My mission is to complete 101 preset tasks in a period of 1001 days. Why? Because wouldn't it be the coolest to actually do a bunch of things I've always wanted but may never get around to doing if I don't write them down and focus? I thought so. I hope you will too. So here's my list and time's ticking away . . .

Thursday, June 08, 2006

De-Cluttering & Stuff

99. Sell, donate, or throw away 101 items.

I have it in my head to do this today. I'll be throwing away, but whether I can get to the 101 items . . . we'll see. I plan to try. You'll be the first to know.

I'm also up for some rug shampooing (#81) very soon. Today or tomorrow is my thought. Perhaps it's too much . . . but I'm feeling energetic and it is the kind of blah day outside where I feel like running around and doing stuff inside.

Monday is still on my calendar as day one of the month-long challenge of early-rising. I'd also like to throw in the breakfast challenge for the same time (because I tend to enjoy and be able to eat breakfast more when I get up early, so it might be easier to do then) and the walking challenge as well. Yes, I know that's a tall, tall order and I should just focus on the one thing . . . but ideally, I mean the real goal, I want to become one of those people who gets up and goes for a walk before breakfast everyday. I want to be one of those women in the cutesy jogging suit, hustling down the sidewalk, pumping a bottle of water in one hand (an ipod would be nice, though not on the list at this time). And of course, achieving this, would be a fantastic step toward the goal of doing a marathon. So it's all connected.

Anyway, nothing's getting tossed with me sitting here in front of the puter.

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