Just Living -- 101 in 1001

My mission is to complete 101 preset tasks in a period of 1001 days. Why? Because wouldn't it be the coolest to actually do a bunch of things I've always wanted but may never get around to doing if I don't write them down and focus? I thought so. I hope you will too. So here's my list and time's ticking away . . .

Monday, September 18, 2006

And You Thought I Wouldn't Do It!

56. Renew my medicare.

TA-DA! Done like dinner! Today I swung by Service NB, paid my ten bucks, signed the form and a new card will arrive in the mail in 6 to 8 weeks. Yay me!



  • At 9/19/2006 10:24 a.m., Blogger Jennifer said…

    OMG!!! Congrats! Finally! It took you long enough. Jason wants me to say "I suppose having a medicare card would be important for someone of your age" Ha. Ha. Isn't he funny?

  • At 9/20/2006 10:56 p.m., Blogger Simply Kel said…

    Ha, ha, he's so funny. Would it kill him to comment himself?! Huh? He is living the commentators life vicariously through you. Oh wait, did I say that out loud? Must be the dementia kicking in.


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