Just Living -- 101 in 1001

My mission is to complete 101 preset tasks in a period of 1001 days. Why? Because wouldn't it be the coolest to actually do a bunch of things I've always wanted but may never get around to doing if I don't write them down and focus? I thought so. I hope you will too. So here's my list and time's ticking away . . .

Monday, July 17, 2006

Ripping Your Heart Out

Why is it that all these Oscar winning movies rip the heart and soul right out of you? How come a really rollicking good time movie never wins best picture? Like There's Something about Mary or Wedding Crashers or even Harold and Kumar Go To White Castle. We really should reward the comedies that actually work, celebrate them, because so many are just so terribly done these days.

This weekend I watched The English Patient. Oy! Yes, I've seen bits and pieces before. Yeah, I was sort of dreading watching this one because my feeling was it was long and boring and slow. I think you need a certain level of maturity to embark on this Academy Award Winning viewing blitz that I lacked before. I had the same feeling with Out of Africa and ended up loving it. But my God! This one ripped the guts right out of me. Am I just getting sentimental in my old age? Thankfully I've been granted a slight reprieve in my Oscar quest as the second season of Deadwood begins to trickle in.

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