Just Living -- 101 in 1001

My mission is to complete 101 preset tasks in a period of 1001 days. Why? Because wouldn't it be the coolest to actually do a bunch of things I've always wanted but may never get around to doing if I don't write them down and focus? I thought so. I hope you will too. So here's my list and time's ticking away . . .

Wednesday, October 04, 2006


34. Eat vegetarian for two weeks, no meat or dairy.

I only did the no dairy part for one week. Full blown vegan is too difficult. I love my coffee cream and cheeses way too much. Not to mention the eggs that are in all baked goods. This is not to say I won't go vegan someday. It can be done. It just takes more effort than what I have to give right now. However, the vegetarianism continues. No meat. And that's okay. Feels good. Feels right.

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  • At 10/14/2006 11:24 p.m., Blogger Simply Kel said…

    Thanks. I really do feel better without the meat. That's my main motivation right now. I've actually been surprised by the smell of bacon, breakfast meats in general I'm finding kind of repulsive. Meanwhile, any of the fast food burger joints send me over the edge with the urge for burgers! Who knew?


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