Just Living -- 101 in 1001

My mission is to complete 101 preset tasks in a period of 1001 days. Why? Because wouldn't it be the coolest to actually do a bunch of things I've always wanted but may never get around to doing if I don't write them down and focus? I thought so. I hope you will too. So here's my list and time's ticking away . . .

Monday, June 16, 2008

Bit by Bit

Time is running out and there are a lot of things on my list that just don't seem to matter anymore.

43. See more live bands and concerts.

This is very vague and difficult to quantify, but having gone to Toronto to see Leonard Cohen and Fredericton to see Matt Mays just to name a couple I think I've demonstrated my commitment.

69. Go to an event or concert alone.

I think going to "The Hour" taping all by myself qualifies. Plus I lunched alone without props (i.e. book, notebook, laptop, etc.) before the taping, which also qualifies I think. Now I just need to translate some of that good Toronto independent energy into some good Miramichi independent energy and I'll be golden.

86. Meet a celebrity.

Meeting Strombo counts. Meeting Dave Richards also counts. Honestly, I meet literary celebs all the freaking time. I mean what are the chances I'm ever going to be in the same room with Brangelina?

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Wednesday, May 07, 2008

What You Been Doing?

I can cross things off my list. It's been awhile.

7. Buy an original piece of art.
Done like dinner! I am the proud owner of an Elaine Amyot original, which I've proudly hung on my living room wall. I love, love, love, this painting! I have coveted it for a long time, many years, so I'm psyched to finally own it.

9. Become involved in drama, either theatre or film production, on a regular basis. (i.e. like join the film co-op or get into a theatre club, etc.)
I'm crossing this off. Why? Because I'm in rehearsals for a play right now. And I'm currently working on a script . . . and yes, I believe I've caught the bug.

13. Hang things in your apartment, from the ceiling and on the walls.
I've had things hanging for quite awhile now actually. You'd swear I had a home. But I didn't want to cross it off until I hung the lamp . . . but I don't know if I'm ever going to hang the lamp, so off it goes! I have all kinds of pics and things, art, calendars, etc. I'm good.

19. Fall in love.
And they said it couldn't be done . . . okay, so I actually fell in freaking love! How crazy is that?! It was intense and neurotic and completely different from anything else I've ever done. The relationship didn't work out, but I think it served its purpose, which was to prove to myself that I've truly evolved and matured and I'm ready for the big emotional stuff. So, yay me! I am an enlightened human being.

33. Obtain a good camera and take more photos.

Have camera. Occasionally take pics. Certainly more than when I had no camera at all :-)

74. Put up a Christmas tree and decorate your place for the holiday.
I totally did this last Christmas! Purchased a tree, decorations, the works! Did it up right. It was really nice.

89. Do a fasting cleanse.
Okay, it wasn't a "fasting" cleanse, but when I wrote the thing I didn't really have an understanding of what I wanted to do, just knew I wanted to cleanse and that sometimes that involved fasting. But after research I found the Brown Rice Detox, which is so much better than fasting. So I did it once already and I'm planning to do it again. Either before or after I go to Toronto next month.

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Monday, June 18, 2007

An Update

So, I think I can cross some stuff off the list.

3. Get up by 7:30am every day for a month.
I've got this one covered. I am now a morning person. Sleeping in to 7:30 is, well, sleeping in! I know. That's pretty crazy, but totally true. Most mornings I get up at 6. The early morning thing has been going on ever since the move to miramichi, give or take a day here or there.

4. Participate in a marathon.
It might not have been what I originally intended when i put this on my list, but the juvenile diabetes research 5K counts, and I did it, so there you go.

49. Watch no television for a week.
And again. This I do consistently. The only thing I'm watching on tv is coronation street, all at once on a sunday morning . . . and some weeks i even miss that.

99. Sell, donate or throw away 101 items.
For the fundraising yardsale i purged yet again. i could only find 57 items. that's it. that's all i have. i'm officially decluttered.

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Monday, March 12, 2007

Switching Gears

I crossed some movies off my Oscar List today, and added "The Departed" as the winner for 2006. This week I have to cancel my Zip.ca subscription. Put it on hold for awhile. Until I'm more financially free to pursue dvd hobbies again. So, it might be a little bit before I get back to this one. I have seen a lot of movies so far though! Many that I would never have sought out otherwise. So I'm pleased with the progress so far. Now, I'll switch gears. Next up is the books. Novels take longer to complete. But I live within walking of the library. So this is an inexpensive (as long as I don't miss library deadlines) mission to complete. Now, I just need to find out their hours. It seems they are a bit wanky.

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Tuesday, February 20, 2007

#36 Crossed off

Originally it read, "See a play at Live Bait." But that never happened and now it likely won't ever happen. However, when amended to simply read, "See a play." I can totally cross it off because I saw the Whooper Spring Players Christmas production and I saw the Garnett & Gold Society's production of The Wizard of Oz in Sackville. In Miramichi though, I'll also be able to see the TNB touring productions at the James M. Hill high school theatre. That might be a lot of fun.

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Okay, so I moved and some of my 101 are no longer possible as a result. So I amended the list. SHoot me! Here's where we stand:

9. Become involved in drama, either theatre or film production, on a regular basis. (i.e. like join the film co-op or get into a theatre club, etc.)

This is something I've been thinking on for a long time. It's time to take some action.

37. Create something new to workshop with writers every month.

Being back on the river puts me in contact with my old writing group of peers. And we're going to start meeting again regularly. And I need to get on the ball and start producing some new stuff!!

61. Walk to French Fort Cove for a day of writing.

Originally, this was the hike to Silver Lake. French Fort Cove is much closer to me here than that was in Sackville. Still, it's far enough that I might be daunted. And it would be good for me.

66. Attend at least two of the Miramichi's many summer festivals.

Cuz I'm here and I haven't done any of this stuff. Sometimes you need to be the tourist in your own backyard.

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Saturday, February 17, 2007

Best Pictures & An Update

I've been slugging away at the Oscar-winning films list. Thoroughly enjoyed You Can't Take It With You. The common consensus is that it's not as good as It's a Wonderful Life, but I don't know. It's more screwball is all, which I kinda like.

Due to my move to Miramichi, I have to rethink some of my 101 things, the ones that were geared toward Sackville in particular. Need to think of new ones, perhaps goals that are geared to Miramichi in particular. But I need to think on that some more, before I edit the list. Soon.

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Thursday, October 26, 2006

Tough on Grease but Not On Your Hands . . . NOT!

46. Do the dishes and clean up kitchen immediately following all meals for one week.

I am a person with a clean kitchen. Yes, perhaps I'm inspired by the fall rodent factor (I am starting to doubt that I really heard anything scratching in my wall), but no matter. The floor is swept. The cupboards are clear. The dishes are done. My hands are dried out shriveled rough prunes. And I cross something else off my list. God, I'm good!
